Council Publications

Please find the key planning and reporting documents below. If you are unable to find the document you are looking for, please contact our office on 1300 676 243 or by email.


Annual Reports 

Murrumbidgee Council's Annual Reports provide information on:

  • activities that were undertaken in the past year
  • progress on major projects
  • our financial performance

Annual Report 2022-2023
Annual Report 2022-2023 Attachment A: Financial Report

Annual Report 2021-2022 
Annual Report 2021-2022, Attachment A: Financial Report
Annual Report 2021-2022, Attachment B: Operational Performance (Delivery Program progress report)

Annual Report 2020-2021 
Annual Report 2020-2021, Attachment A: Audited Financial Reports
Annual Report 2020-2021, Attachment B: Additional Local Government Act requirements
Annual Report 2020-2021, Attachment C: Operational Performance (Delivery Program progress report)
Annual Report 2020-2021, Attachment D: End of Term Report

Annual Report 2019-20 
Annual Report 2019-20, Attachment A: Audited Financial Reports
Annual Report 2019-20, Attachment B: Additional Local Government Act requirements
Annual Report 2019-20, Attachment C: Operational Performance

Annual Report 2018-19
Annual Report 2018-19, Attachment A: Audited Financial Reports 
Annual Report 2018-19, Attachment B: Additional Local Government Act requirements
Annual Report 2018-19, Attachment C: Operational performance

Annual Report 2017/18

Annual Report 2016/17

Asset Management Plans

Asset Management Strategy
Land Improvements


Community Engagement Strategy 2022-2025 - describes how we engage with the community in effective and meaningful conversations to shape the future of our area.

Community Participation Plan  - designed to make it clearer how the community can participate in planning matters within the Murrumbidgee Council Local Government Area.

Community Strategic Plan 
This is a ten-year document that articulates the community's aspirations and visions. It is updated every four years in line with Council terms to ensure it remains current.

Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 - adopted 17 May 2022

Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027- adopted 26 June 2018  



Darlington Point Township Structure Plan

Development Contributions Plan - Section 7.12 Environmental Planning & Assessment Act

Development Control Plans

Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 - 2021


Economic Development Strategy

End of Term Report 2017-2021


Financial Statements

2021-22 Murrumbidgee Council Financial Statements
2020-21 Murrumbidgee Council Financial Statements
2019-20 Murrumbidgee Council Financial Statements
2018-19 Murrumbidgee Council Financial Statements
2017-18 Murrumbidgee Council Financial Statements
2016-17 Murrumbidgee Council Financial Statements


Government Information (PUBLIC ACCESS) (GIPA) ACT 2009 

GIPA Annual Report 2020-21
GIPA Annual Report 2019-20
GIPA Annual Report 2018-19


Land Use Plan

Local Strategic Planning Statement


Operational Plan, Delivery Program and Fees & Charges (Budget)

Operational Plan 2023-2024
Delivery Program 2022 - 2026

Past Years
Operational Plan and Fees & Charges 2022 - 2023
Operational Plan & Delivery Programme - 2021 - 2025 and Fees & Charges
Operational Plan & Delivery Programme - 2020 - 2024 and Fees & Charges
Operational Plan & Delivery Programme - 2019 - 2023 and Fees & Charges
Operational Plan 2018/19 and Delivery Program 2018/2019 - 2021/2022 and Fees & Charges
Operational Plan 2017/18 and Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021
Rates, Fees and Charges 2017/18
Operational Plan 2016/17
Rates, Fees & Charges 2016/17


Plans of Management
Area of Cultural Significance Darlington Point Museum
Balmeringa Plan of Management
Coree Hall Plan of Management
Darlington Point Lions Park Plan of Management
Darlington Point Parks Plan of Management
Elliott Park Plan of Management  
Jerilderie Racecourse & Showgrounds Plan of Management



Workforce Management Strategy 2022-2026 

Pre-Merger publications