Development & Town Plans

7 Result(s) Found

The Darlington Point Township Structure Plan 2017 was prepared by Murrumbidgee Council to provide direction for the future use and development of land in Darlington Point for the next 20 years. The preparation of the Township Structure Plan was an opportunity to improve conditions in the community, ensure the sustainability of the town and enhance the quality of life for both current and future generations.

The plan provides a vision for Darlington Point and a framework to guide land use planning, as well as the provision of infrastructure and community facilities. The plan contains detailed investigations of the projected development capacity of the area and confirms land use suitability and infrastructure requirements for future development.  

The plan also sets the directions for future land use to accommodate projected population growth. It maps where housing, commercial, industrial and community uses of land will be located and what infrastructure (e.g. roads, water and sewerage) and services (e.g. health and education) are needed to support the growth.


Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) help guide planning decisions in local areas by setting rules about how land can be used and what kind of development is allowed.

Zoning decides what land can be used for (like housing, industry, or parks), and development controls set limits, such as the maximum height for buildings.

Updating LEPs ensures that local planning rules stay current. The process of making or changing LEPs is designed to keep these rules relevant and effective.



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