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  • Read the Play - Jerilderie

    Trivia - Games - Prizes - Fun!

    Open and free for young people aged 14 - 18 years. This is an interactive session facilitated by RAMHP. There are also amazing games and gift card prizes on offer.

    Snacks and lunch included

    From RAMPH

    “READ the PLAY” is a mental health literacy program, originally designed for the junior levels of sports clubs. It imparts information about mental illness through engaging young people in fun and interactive games, thereby helping to remove the stigma and increase help seeking behaviour.

    RAMHP has updated this interactive games-based trivia program so that we can equip kids to better understand mental health issues and know where to get help locally if needed.  The kids will work as a team and have fun to learn important information about supporting one another through challenging times.

    Please register attendance through the link here

    Date Location
    Monday, April 15, 2024 11:00am - 3:00pm Monash Park Tea Rooms
    Event Details
    Read the Play - Jerilderie
  • Flood Recovery Community Day - Darlington Point

    Date Location
    Wednesday, April 17, 2024 11:00am - 2:00pm CWA Hall
    Event Details
    Flood Recovery Community Day - Darlington Point
  • Jerilderie Holiday Youth Program

    The Jerilderie Uniting Church Congregation is hosting the Wesley International Youth Group ‘DIGJC’ from Sydney to experience country life and to run the holiday youth program. DIGJC are an inspirational and talented group of young Christians who want to share their time, their faith, and their gifts with the young people from our region.

    Who can come?
    Years K-12 Monday-Wednesday: The program will run from 9am till 4:00pm each day. Students K-12 are welcome to arrive from 8:50am. Please be prompt when picking up your young people at the end of the day.

    $10 per child per day (max $20 per family per day). No child excluded due to family hardship.

    What to expect
    Activities may include: A variety of sports
    • Cooking
    • Art and Craft
    • Live Band
    • Singing/Bible
    • Guitar workshops
    • Piano workshops
    • Canoeing
    • And more!
    • Morning tea,
    lunch and
    afternoon tea will
    be provided.

    For more information and registration forms contact:
    Jacqui Robertson:
    Ph: 0491 183 557
    Lorraine Comber
    Ph: 03 58 861576

    Date Location
    Monday, April 22, 2024 All Day Jerilderie Racecourse
    Event Details
    Jerilderie Holiday Youth Program
  • The Acacia Quartet 'Meet the Instruments'

    Music in the Regions invities you to meet the musicians and their instruments, enjoy a short performance, morning tea and a chat.

    Hosted by Kerri Weymouth Art Gallery & Studio Coleambally


    Date Location
    Tuesday, April 23, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm Kerri Weymouth Art Gallery & Studio Coleambally
    Event Details
    The Acacia Quartet 'Meet the Instruments'
  • Darlington Point School Holiday Beginner Skate Workshop & Roller Disco

    Murrumbidgee Council are excited to present Free Roller Disco's this school holidays funded by the NSW Government Holiday Break Program.

    When: 11.00am - 2.00pm

    Where: Murrumbidgee Shire Hall, Carrington Street Darlington Point

    11 years and under - 11.00am - 12.00pm

    12 years and over 12.30pm - 2.00pm

    • Beginner Skate Workshop (limited places): Inexperienced skaters are encouraged to attend this workshop where they will learn stopping, how to move forward and falling safely. Suitable for ages 5 to adult.

    • Roller Disco/ Dance Games: Cut some shapes on the dance floor with your new-found skate skills! Skaters are encouraged to wear their favourite disco attire.

    Please bring along a pair of socks and any safety equipment you wish to use such as a helmet. Participants can bring in their own skates ( not roller blades) or use the free rental skates available. Children under five in the skating zone must be accompanied by a parent.

    Registrations essential places limited. To book click here

    For further information contact our Tourism & Events Officer on 0428 758 087

    Date Location
    Wednesday, April 24, 2024 All Day Murrumbidgee Shire Hall
    Event Details
    Darlington Point School Holiday Beginner Skate Workshop & Roller Disco
  • ANZAC Day Arrangements 2024

    25 April 2024

    Dawn Service - Coleambally
    5:45 for a 6:00 am start
    John McInnes Square

    Dawn Service - Jerilderie
    6:00 am at Jerilderie Cenotaph, followed by a light breakfast provided by the RSL in the Ian Gilbert Room of the Civic Hall (free of charge)

    March - Jerilderie
    Meet near the pharmacy at 9:45 am to walk to the cenotaph (10:00 am service)

    March - Darlington Point
    Meet at the Post Office at 10:45 am to walk to the cenotaph (11:00 am service)

    Date Location
    Thursday, April 25, 2024 All Day Coleambally, Darlington Point & Jerilderie
    Event Details
    ANZAC Day Arrangements 2024
  • Brolga Hotel Coleambally - ANZAC Day Two Up

    Anzac Day @ the Brolga!!

    2 up starting @12. BBQ lunch available.

    Date Location
    Thursday, April 25, 2024 12:00pm - 5:00pm Brolga Hotel Motel
    Event Details
    Brolga Hotel Coleambally - ANZAC Day Two Up
  • Service NSW - Coleambally Visit

    Coleambally Community Hall
    Kingfisher Avenue
    Coleambally NSW 2707

    Tuesday 30 April
    Open 9am to 3pm

    Date Location
    Tuesday, April 30, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm Coleambally Community Hall
    Event Details
    Service NSW - Coleambally Visit
Showing 1 - 8 of 8