Neighbourhood Safer Places

There are Neighbourhood Safer Places in Coleambally, Darlington Point, Jerilderie and Yamma:
You can also call the Bushfire Information Line on 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737) to find out your closest Neighbourhood Safer Place.

Neighbourhood Safer Places are designated locations that are considered a last resort during a bushfire emergency. You should go to one of these places when all other options in your Bush Fire Survival Plan cannot be done safely. 

It is important to know where the Neighbourhood Safer Places are in your area and note them in your Bush Fire Survival Plan before a bushfire occurs. You should also know how to get there directly as well as alternate routes in case the road is blocked or too dangerous to drive on.

If it is not safe to leave the area or take shelter in your property, and the path is clear, you should move to your pre-identified Neighbourhood Safer Places, or other safer location, well before the impact of a bush fire. Leaving it too late to try and travel to a Neighbourhood Safer Place as this can be more dangerous than sheltering at your place. Keep in mind that conditions at the Neighbourhood Safer Place may be uncomfortable and you may be affected by heat, smoke and embers. Water, toilets and food may not be available at the Neighbourhood Safer Place and emergency service personnel may not be present.

It is important to note that Neighbourhood Safer Places are not designed for pets and large animals.