Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition

Monday, August 22, 2022 All Day

Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition

Following the success of the inaugural competition, the Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition is back in 2022 with an even BIGGER prize pool!

Western Riverina Arts in association with Narrandera Arts and Creative Network, Leeton Art Society Inc and Griffith and Regional Association of the Performing Arts are providing an opportunity to inspire people to be creative through the 'Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition'. This competition is FREE to enter and is for all ages!

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Must be a resident in one of the four Western Riverina Arts membership Local Government Areas of Griffith, Leeton, Narrandera or Murrumbidgee.

  2. Max of two (2) entries per person.

  3. The short story must be an original work which has not been previously published elsewhere such as in blogs, magazines, books or websites.

  4. The short story must not have been previously entered into this competition.


For more information click here