Non Residential Roll

As required by the Local Government Act 1993, each Council's General Manager prepares and certifies the non-residential rolls. For elections administered by the NSWEC, following the preparation and certification of the General Manager's lists for the non-residential rolls, the Electoral Commissioner must confirm that those on the lists are able to be enrolled on the non-residential roll. For those elections administered by the General Manager, the General Manager takes the confirming role of the Electoral Commissioner.

Claims for inclusion on the non-residential roll closed at 6.00pm on Monday 31 July 2017. 

Non-resident elector responsibility

Non-residential rolls lapse after each Local Government election. Enquiries regarding entitlement to be on the non-residential roll should be directed to Council. Further details are available from the Local Government Act 1993 Section 299.

Claimants have responsibility for assessing their own eligibility to make a claim for inclusion in the non-residential rolls for any council/ward. If unsure it is suggested that independent advice is sought prior to lodging a claim. Requirements for making a claim for inclusion in the non-residential rolls Local Government Act 1993 Section 303 include that the claim be signed by the claimant in the presence of an eligible witness.

LG127I - Non Residential Roll-Individual Application

LG127N - Non Residential Roll-Nominee Application