Community Grants

Local Heritage Fund - CLOSED

March 2024 round - In a significant boost for heritage preservation efforts, six historic sites in Darlington Point and Jerilderie will undergo essential repairs and restorations, courtesy of a generous funding allocation totalling $25,000. The funding, facilitated jointly by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Murrumbidgee Council, aims to safeguard the rich cultural legacy of these iconic landmarks.
Selected through a meticulous evaluation process, the successful recipients were:

  • St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Jerilderie – Repair damage caused by rising damp ($5,000)  
  • Punt Hotel, Darlington Point – Repair and paint the balcony ($4,000)
  • The Homestead, the Barracks, Darlington Point – Repair the roof and repair/restore original features ($5,000)
  • The former Presbyterian Church, Darlington Point – Replace fascia timber and paint ($4,000)
  • Toganmain Woolshed, Darlington Point - Restump the cook’s quarters ($4,750)
  • Darlington Point Post Office - Repaint the front of the post office ($1,000)

Included in the funding allocation were consultation fees for the local heritage advisor.

Lions Club of Darlington Point Community Grant - CLOSED


This is an annual grant, valued at up to $2,000 awarded to eligible applicants, which include individuals, to advance education, children's aid or community wellbeing. It was generously made available by the Lions Club of Darlington Point when it was closed in 2022. This grant is only available to residents of Darlington Point.

Find out more.

Past Recipients:

2024 - 

Kayne Ballintine $1,000 Assistance with university supplies and living expenses.
Rebecca Norris (DP Swimming Pool) $1,000 Aqua fitness equipment and storage containers

2023 - Darlington Point Early Learning Centre - Setting up not-for-profit organisation, including insurance, approval, incorporation and fees
2022 - Rebecca Norris on behalf of Darlington Point Swimming Pool - pool equipment

Murrumbidgee Council Community Grants Program - CLOSED


A total amount of $20,000 is available each year, with a maximum of $2,000 for each grant.

Find out more.

2024 recipients

Coleambally Squash Club $1,649.40 Junior safety glasses, ice packs and refrigerator.
Country Education Foundation of Coleambally/ Darlington Point $2,000.00 Contribution to education grants.
Cypress View Lodge $2,000.00 Sit to stand lifter chair.
Darlington Point Men’s Shed Inc $2,000.00 Contribution towards new accessible toilet facilities.
Darlington Point Riverina Classic Catch & Release Fishing Competition $2,000.00 Lures for all junior entrants in competition.
Jerilderie Apex Club $2,000.00 Defibrillator for patrons and APEX staff for all APEX run events.
Jerilderie Bowls Club via Jerilderie Sports Club $2,000.00 5 sets of bowls to attract participants to barefoot bowls.
Jerilderie Football Netball Club $2,000.00 Branded gazebo with JFNC logo/graphics and printer/scanner/ photocopier.
Toganmain Woolshed Precinct $2,000.00 First aid equipment, hard hats, gloves, hi-vis vests and portable diesel generator.
Waddi Cultural Information Centre $2,000.00 Portable PA system.

2023 Recipients:

  • Central Coree Community Centre - $1,924 - Fridge freezer and folding trestle tables
  • Coleambally Community Gym - $2,000 - Defibrillator and wall mount
  • Coleambally Rescue Squad - $2,000 - Tools and equipment for light rescue vehicle
  • Cypress View Lodge Ltd - $2,000 - Treatment chair
  • Darlington Point Public School P&C - $2,000 - Intensive swimming lessons for all students
  • Jerilderie Early Learning Centre - $2,000 - Install fencing and a gate
  • Jerilderie Football Club - $1,595 - Defibrillator
  • Riverina Vintage Machinery Club Inc Rally Coleambally - $2,000 - Contribution towards equipment hire, fencing and upgrade to tractor pull track

2022 Recipients:

  • Coleambally Cricket Club - $1,950 - chairs for Coleambally sports clubrooms
  • Coleambally Darlington Point Junior Rugby League - $2,000 – defibrillator
  • Coleambally Playgroup - $600 - inclusive play activity resources
  • Coleambally Preschool Association Inc - $2,000 - replace lighting in Preschool building
  • Coleambally Rescue Squad - $1,952.50 - multi-trauma dummy
  • Coleambally Townlife - $660 - raised garden beds
  • Darlington Point Public School P&C Association - $1,500 - intensive swimming program
  • Jerilderie Tidy Towns - $2,000 - Christmas lights and decorations
  • Jerilderie Swimming Club Inc - $2,000 - pool equipment and clothing
  • St Joseph’s Parents & Friends - $2,000 - outdoor learning area
  • Waddi Housing & Advancement Corporation Ltd - $2,000 - signage for gallery artefacts and contribution to Elders Honour Board

2021 Recipients:

  • Coleambally Bowling Teams - $2,000 – Shade covers
  • Coleambally Darlington Point Apex Club - $2,000 – Annual dinner – mental health focus
  • Coleambally Golf Club - $2,000 – Chairs
  • Coleambally Quilters - $1,299 – Stick Vacuum
  • Coleambally Volunteer Rescue Association - $2,000 – Upgrade rescue truck lights
  • Cypress View Lodge - $2,000 - Water pressure system to supply internal fire sprinklers
  • Darlington Point Men’s Shed Inc - $2,000 - Purchase of Thicknesser - spiral head cutter
  • Darlington Point Primary School - $1701 – Breakfast Club
  • Jerilderie Fishing Club - $2,000 – Learn to Fish Day
  • Jerilderie Sports Club - $2,000 – Five sets of bowls

2020 Recipients:
  • Coleambally/Darlington Point Junior Rugby - training and safety equipment - $1,941
  • Coleambally Pre School Association – Outdoor kitchen - $900
  • Darlington Point Landcare - replanting of trees - $2,000
  • Darlington Point Public School P & C Association - Breakfast Club - $2,000
  • Jerilderie APEX Club - Racecourse solar lighting - $2,000
  • Jerilderie Race Club - Racecourse solar lighting  - $2,000
  • Jerilderie Pre-School Kindergarten - Smart board - $2,000
  • Riverina Classic Catch & Release Fishing Competition - Fingerlings - $2,000
  • St Joseph’s Primary School Jerilderie Social & Fundraising Committee – Compost area/oiling cubbies - $2,000
  • Cypress View Lodge – Internet server - $2,000
  • Country Education Foundation of Coleambally-Darlington Point - Education grants - $1,850

Coleambally Solar Farm Community Fund - CLOSED


The Coleambally Solar Farm provides $20,000 each calendar year to support local projects that benefit and strengthen the region. 

Of these funds, $10,000 is distributed to the Murrumbidgee Community Experimental/Demonstration Farm and a further $10,000 is distributed to projects through an open and competitive program.

Grants of between $500 and $3,000 are made available. 

Find out more.

2024 Recipients:

Coleambally Central School P&C Association $1,895.00 Contribution to Intensive swim survival program.
Coleambally Squash Club $2,105.00 Junior development balls, racket ball rackets and squash rackets.
Darlington Point Public School P&C $3,000.00 Contribution towards Sydney excursion for Years 5 and 6
Yamma Management Committee $3,000.00 Signal boosters to improve mobile phone coverage.
Murrumbidgee Community Experimental/Demonstration Farm $10,000 Annual contribution

2023 Recipients:

  • Coleambally Community Demonstration Experimental Farm: $10,000 (Annual Contribution)
  • Coleambally Central School P&C Association: $1,680 (Intensive swimming lessons)
  • Coleambally Rescue Squad: $1833 (Stabilisation equipment for Light Rescue Vehicle)
  • Coleambally Rural Fire Brigade: $3,000 (Washer/dryer)
  • Country Education Foundation of Coleambally-Darlington Point: $3,000 (Contribution towards Education Grants)
  • Coleambally Darlington Point Junior Rugby League: $487 (Leaf Blower and Rubber Mats)

2022 Recipients:

  • Coleambally Darlington Point Junior Rugby League - $1,370 - drink bottles and crates
  • Coleambally Rescue Squad - $3,000 - equipment for emergency response boat
  • Coleambally Townlife - $660 - raised garden beds
  • Cypress View Lodge - $2,017 - king single sofa bed
  • Murrumbidgee Physical Culture Club - $1,953 - iPads and speaker
  • Waddi Housing and Advancement Corporation Ltd - $1,000 - solar lighting for mural

2021 Recipients:

  • Coleambally Preschool Association Inc - $2,000 – Nature-based play space
  • Country Education Foundation of Coleambally-Darlington Point Inc. - $2,000 Education grants
  • Darlington Point Public School P&C Association - $2,000 – Intensive swimming program
  • St Joseph’s Primary School Jerilderie Parents & Friends Association - $2,000 - Echuca Day Trip – Twisted Science and Paddlesteamer Experience
  • Tirkandi Inaburra Cultural & Development Centre - $2,000 - Sporting equipment and promotional brochure

2020 Recipients: 

  • Cypress View Lodge – Server hardware and licensing - $3,000
  • Coleambally Central School P & C - Covered outdoor learning area - $3,000
  • St Peter’s Primary School, Coleambally - Goal posts - $3,000
  • Taste Coleambally Food & Farm Festival - Advertising - $1,000
  • Murrumbidgee Community Experimental/Demonstration Farm - $10,000