Jerilderie Mini Rail, Sewerage Treatment Works, Jerilderie Racecourse and Jerilderie Golf Course. Jerilderie Sports Club will also be carrying out baiting. Please keep dogs on leads and muzzled when walking or within secure areas to avoid exposure.
The Jerilderie Fun Fair is an annual, one-day event located at Monash Park in Jerilderie.
Its aim is to provide a positive and affordable regional event for people of all age’s and demographics to attend. The event’s intention is to assist bridging the rural - metro gap in exposure to cultural activities for local residents and surrounding communities.
There will be a variety of entertainment and activities at the event, including live music performances, rides, jumping castles, market stalls, food trucks, outdoor cinema screening and much more.
Monash Park, Nowranie St, Jerilderie, New South Wales, Australia, 2716, View Map
Nowranie St , Jerilderie, New South Wales, Australia 2716