Jerilderie Mini Rail, Sewerage Treatment Works, Jerilderie Racecourse and Jerilderie Golf Course. Jerilderie Sports Club will also be carrying out baiting. Please keep dogs on leads and muzzled when walking or within secure areas to avoid exposure.
You can enjoy free entry right throughout the swimming season at Coleambally Swimming Pool.
The pool season runs from November to April.
Coleambally Swim Club runs from 5:15 pm every Friday during the swim season.
Facilities include a 25 metre lap and recreational pool and a shaded toddler's pool. You will also find change rooms, shaded picnic tables and a BBQ to enjoy a twilight meal while you cool off at the pool.
Children under 14 years must be supervised by an adult.
Falcon Street, Coleambally, New South Wales, Australia 2707 View Map
Falcon Street , Coleambally, New South Wales, Australia 2707