Jerilderie Mini Rail, Sewerage Treatment Works, Jerilderie Racecourse and Jerilderie Golf Course. Jerilderie Sports Club will also be carrying out baiting. Please keep dogs on leads and muzzled when walking or within secure areas to avoid exposure.
We are currently having an issue with our direct phone line into Jerilderie office. If you wish to speak to someone in the Jerilderie office, please call 1300 676 243 and our team will connect you with the right person.
You can report suspected cases of animal cruelty to either the RSPCA, Animal Welfare League NSW or the NSW Police.
We've provided 10 useful tips for both cats and dogs on how to care for them.
There are many places where you can enjoy a walk with your dog. Dogs must be on a leash at all times unless in a sign-posted designated off-leash area.
If you find a sick, injured or orphaned native animal, call the Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) on the emergency hotline.
What to do if you find a lost animal or have lost one.
Register your pet and change the details if you sell or give away the pet or it dies.
Find the rules for keeping animals in urban areas and what to do if you feel someone is doing the wrong thing.