Message from the Mayor - March
Published on 04 March 2025
As this is my first column for 2025, a warm welcome to everyone.
The Christmas break has been and gone and the business of council is well and truly in full swing. A hectic holiday period saw our communities busy, with lots of activities for locals and visitors alike enjoying the break.
Our kids enjoyed their summer break with town pool parties, learn-to-swim classes, time spent at the river and the annual Portsea Camp experience, to name a few.
January saw the completion of the Streets as Shared Spaces project in Jerilderie, linking the existing Council precinct with Luke Park. Stage 2, the lift and change public facilities, is next for the precinct. A huge vote of thanks to council staff who ensured this project was ready for use by Australia Day and thank you to the NSW Government for funding this project.
Australia Day was celebrated across our 3 communities. Congratulations to all recipients of Australia Day awards and thank you to Australia Day Ambassador Lana Masterson for attending the Coleambally and Darlington Point events. A huge congratulations to our Australia Day Committees. All 3 groups work hard to ensure our celebrations are the best they can be.
On 16 January 2025, I had the pleasure of conferring citizenship on Ms Aileen Lim. It is Council’s pleasure to warmly welcome Ms Lim as a new Australian, and we wish her and her family a long and happy life with us in the Murrumbidgee Council area.
It was a pleasure to attend the annual presentation night for the Country Education Foundation (CEF) Scholarships in Coleambally in January. Congratulations to the recipients and to CEF who, this year, assisted 18 students to pursue higher education/skills/training.
Council’s Annual Strategic Planning Workshop, held in early February, provided councillors with an overview of where we are at and gave them the opportunity to contribute and advocate for community priorities. We hosted a networking dinner with Federal Member for Farrer the Hon Sussan Ley, Member for Albury Justin Clancy, Chief Executive of RAMJO Yvonne Lingua and Albury City Mayor Kevin Mack.
Key regional meetings have been the Sturt Highway Taskforce Meeting in Wentworth, which we hold the chair and secretariat for; RAMJO Board Dinner and Meeting; a RAMJO Water Sub Committee Meeting in Hillston; and several meetings about the new Albury/Wodonga New Site/New Hospital Advocacy.
Another very successful Riverina Classic Fishing Competition was held in February with almost 830 participants. Congratulations to the committee for hosting another popular event and for donating $20,000 to Rural Counselling Outreach.
Coming up is the Warangesda Festival in Darlington Point from 14-16 March and both Harmony Day celebrations in Jerilderie on 22 March.
Thank you to everyone who has already responded to our community survey on priorities for the future. Your feedback is really important as it will directly shape the next Community Strategic Plan. If you haven’t participated yet, there is still time as we have extended the closing date to 11 March. We strongly encourage all residents to take a moment to provide their input by visiting our website or collecting a copy at one of our offices.
In addition to the survey, we will be hosting pop-up stalls in each town to engage with residents face-to-face. This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts directly with us. They will be held as follows: Darlington Point Sports Club from 5 pm to 7 pm on 6 March, Jerilderie IGA from 10 am to 12 pm on 7 March, and Brolga Place, Coleambally from 3 pm to 5 pm on 7 March. We have also been visiting schools and getting feedback from our younger generation. Thank you to the schools for participating in these sessions.
Our major projects seem to be progressing with the street furniture in Brolga Place primarily complete, awaiting suitable planter boxes and some seating.
In regards to the Young Street subdivision, the roads have received their first bitumen seal. Surveyor’s pegs will be sited and the fill will be levelled in preparation for future development.
It is a pleasure to announce the subdivision will be named ‘River Red Gum Estate’. We felt the name pays homage to one of the most iconic and important tree species in our area, valued by the Aboriginal people for thousands of years, our ecosystem, pioneers and the former timber industry. Thank you to everyone who submitted suggestions.
Cr Ruth McRae OAM