No longer on display. Expired on
14 December 2024, 12:00 AM
We are considering the following traffic changes to enhance safety and are seeking community feedback:
1. Reducing the speed limit on Jerilderie Street between Kennedy and Bolton Streets.
2. Extending the 80 km/h speed limit area by 1 km on the northwest end of the Sturt Highway at Waddi (towards Hay).
3. Creating turning lanes on Kidman Way at the northern and southern junctions with Pine Drive at Coleambally.
Your input is essential for improving the safety of our community. Without your responses, it will be difficult to secure the necessary approvals and resources for these important safety improvements.
We encourage you to take just 5 minutes to complete the survey and share your thoughts. Thank you for your participation.
The survey closes at 5 pm on Wednesday 13 December 2024.