Young Street Subdivision - Street names

No longer on display. Expired on 08 August 2024, 05:00 PM

We are proposing to adopt the following names for the streets in the new residential subdivision in Young Street, Darlington Point. These names have been chosen to honor the town's rich historical and cultural ties.

1. Helena Parade

Named after former Darlington Point identity, Helena Pugh

Helena Pugh (1919-2013) was a bush nurse who worked in various posts around NSW, including in Darlington Point. After arriving in the town in 1962, she provided nursing services to many in the Aboriginal community. She was also a key organiser in many community activities such as Red Cross, balls, concerts and plays.

2. Edwards Street

Named after the Edwards family in Darlington Point

The Edwards family have a strong and continuous connection to Warangesda Mission and the township of Darlington Point.

3. Gugaa Street

Named after the Wiradjuri totem

The “Gugaa” means goanna Wiradjuri. It is the overarching totem for the Wiradjuri Nation. It is the symbol that connects all people, past and present, of Wiradjuri land.


Street names Young Street Subdivision