Jerilderie Mini Rail, Sewerage Treatment Works, Jerilderie Racecourse and Jerilderie Golf Course. Jerilderie Sports Club will also be carrying out baiting. Please keep dogs on leads and muzzled when walking or within secure areas to avoid exposure.
Complete the community survey. Closing 5 pm 11 March 2025.
Jerilderie Luke Park Precinct Redevelopment
Details: Civic Hall and Luke Park surrounds upgrade - enhancing connections within and outside the park precinct. Elements of the project include a deck extension to connect Jerilderie Civic Hall to increase the open space experiences available and pedestrian and visual connections. Other works will include improvements to the Bush Tucker Trail, the walking trail, public art and signage and cultural heritage awareness elements.
Project cost: $2 million
Funded by: NSW Government Public Spaces Legacy Program 2020-21
Relevant dates: Start: May 2021.
Powell Street, Jerilderie, New South Wales, Australia 2716 View Map
Powell Street , Jerilderie, New South Wales, Australia 2716