Bencubbin Avenue reconstruction and drainage, Coleambally Reconstruction and drainage improvements to Bencubbin Avenue, Coleambally.
Brolga Place upgrade - Coleambally Brolga Place is the hub for shopping and community activities. This upgrade includes replacement of the existing shade structure, new pavement, landscaping and street furniture.
Coleambally Treatment Plant upgrade Upgrade to the water treatment plant funded through NSW Government Stronger Communities Fund Round 1.
Luke Park precinct redevelopment - Jerilderie Civic Hall and Luke Park surrounds upgrade - enhancing connections within and outside the park precinct.
Riverside Caravan Park upgrade Darlington Point A $9 million staged upgrade to Darlington Point Riverside Caravan Park is proposed. Council plans to fund the project with a mixture of capital grants (yet to be secured) and loan borrowings.
Young Street Residential Subdivision - Darlington Point Comprising 55 lots ranging in size from 725 m2 to 1,052 m2. The development is attracting keen interest from potential buyers.