Jerilderie Mini Rail, Sewerage Treatment Works, Jerilderie Racecourse and Jerilderie Golf Course. Jerilderie Sports Club will also be carrying out baiting. Please keep dogs on leads and muzzled when walking or within secure areas to avoid exposure.
We are currently having an issue with our direct phone line into Jerilderie office. If you wish to speak to someone in the Jerilderie office, please call 1300 676 243 and our team will connect you with the right person.
Community members are welcome to attend our meetings.
Council meetings are usually held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 2 pm from February to December. We will advertise if the start time varies for a specific meeting. The meeting location alternates between Coleambally, Darlington Point and Jerilderie.
The meetings follow the Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 951KB).
Meeting agendas and business papers are available on the Thursday before the meeting.
After the meeting, the audio recording is placed on our website and the video recording is placed on our YouTube channel.
The minutes are placed on the website on the Friday after the meeting.
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, starting at 2 pm from February to December.
View the meeting agendas, business papers and minutes.